Jessie Francis
Writer . Illustrator . Creative
Multi-Disciplinary Creative
Hi! My name is Jessie Francis. I am a multi-disciplinary creative working in story development with a passion for character-driven storytelling across mediums.
With a diverse background encompassing roles throughout the development and production pipelines of TV, animation and immersive theatre; I bring a wealth of experience and contacts across various entertainment industries.
My portfolio of work is centred around crafting compelling narratives, creating vivid characters, and building tangible worlds. My ideas are always innovative; centred around social politics and magical realism - with a healthy dose of dark British humour to help the medicine go down easy.
Creative Copywriting
Script Writing

Script Editing
Character Design
Story Producing
For all enquiries, contact me via: jm.draws25@gmail.com. I am available for commissions. I am based in London.
Video Editing
Crafting compelling narratives. Creating vivid characters. Building tangible worlds.
Come Alive! The Greatest Showman Circus Spectacular
Production Assistant
London 2024. Indoor immersive show.

Secret Cinema presents GREASE: The Live Experience
Creative | Story Producer / Creative Copywriter
Birmingham 2023. Outdoor immersive show.
Omega and Daniel Craig Celebrate 60 Years of James Bond
London 2022. Immersive black-tie white-label event.

Secret Cinema Present Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy - The Live Experience
Creative / Creative Copywriter
London 2022. Indoor immersive show.
Secret Cinema with Fever presents Bridgerton
Creative / Dramaturgy Contributor / Creative Copywriter
London 2022. Indoor immersive show.

Dead End: Paranormal Park S01 & S02
Prop Design / Scene Build Artist
Netflix 2022. Horror comedy children's scripted series.
Four Walls: Life in Lockdown
Co-writer / Animator / Editor
2020. Independent short documentary-film.

Hefty Ecosave Advert
Clean-Up / Colour Artist
Seed Animation 2020. Animated advert.
4Creative / Channel 4 Trails
Trainee Promotional Director
2019. Channel 4. More4. Film4. 40'', 20'' and 10'' trails.

The One You Feed
Creator / Writer / Director / Co-Producer / Animator / Character Design
2019. Independent short film